

Often I hear (and even talk) of the "idols in our life" and what we can end up essentially worshiping. It may not be, but certainly could be, a false God, or a false idea of who God is. It can even be loved ones that we hold more dear to us than the God of the universe that created and gifted us these loved ones to be with. It can be money, toys, pleasure, and chasing after fleeting temporal happiness.

However, while important to repent from, may we not spend all our time and energy on identifying what we shouldn't worship, and spend more time on worshiping Who we should!

How often do you worship God?

Yes, we glorify God in our lives when we serve (as a father, husband, son, daughter, friend, or brother/sister in Christ). We glorify God when we flee from sin, repent, and call out to Him. We glorify God when we represent Him well by the way we conduct ourselves at work, with family, and around others. We glorify God by spending time with Him in bible studies, Sunday school, or serving Him at church.

All these are very good things - yet when was the last time you spent time at the Throne, just worshiping, praising, and thanking our Holy God? Not doing things for God, but just being with God? Just pausing to pray and worship? Day and night the Throne is surrounded in worship (Revelation 4). If the heavens declare the glory of God, how can I do less?

I've been trying to reflect more on how imbalanced my life is with respect to my worship. Let us encourage each other to not just "do" the Christian life, but to "be" the Christian - the one who seeks, follows, adores, and worships the one we serve.




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