A Soldier


I have to admit, there is something fascinating (and even inspiring) when I think about the military sometimes. Often romanticized are my thoughts, and likely far from realistic, but the idea of waking up, getting orders, and rushing into the mission is something I can easily get drawn into! Sometimes my imagination is more trench-like, and sometimes more tech-like (think mission impossible!).

Imagine if I took just 10% of that energy, and instead of waking up in the morning and asking God for help in my day, what if I woke up like a Christian soldier, seeking orders for the day from my Commander? Oh how different my life and day may be ...

Yet, unlike my "Top Gun" thoughts and imagination, this type of solder is not the hero in the story. The Commander is. My role is to serve and be on mission, and not for my glory, but for His.

Here's another twist - we didn't enlist - we were drafted! Not because we were needed, but because we were wanted.

Let that sink in.

God chose us to serve Him, and in turn, when it is time, our service will be rewarded with far greater things than a medal of honor.

So, with this knowledge, what shall our prayers be when we lay our head down at night, or open our eyes in the morning God permitting? To ask Him to heal our back ache, or to reply: "Your servant is ready LORD, just give me the command and let us storm the gates of hell today!"




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