Rough Roads


What is a "good day" for you? Often I get caught up in what my friend calls a 'performance idol'. Setting out, planning, and seeking to accomplish much in my day. This may not be bad in and of itself, but it can seriously leave me feeling defeated at the end of the day. This is often because my "good day" is far less realistic than my life often permits.

I think if I reflect more deeply, I pray and plan for smooth roads rather than praying and planning how I can glorify God in my day and make Him know.

I think sometimes the flesh strives to stay away from those rough roads, those detours, those interruptions - in hopes that we can just keep our day "predictable". Yet this is far from our calling!

May we have the courage to adventure with God, and not avoid being uncomfortable. Time to turn off the cruise-control and flip on 4WD! If I know anything of my "off road" experiences with God, it's bumpy, but oh so much more fulfilling than anything I could have "scheduled" for myself!

Take the detour Matt ... take it ...




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