I'm Blazing Fast

So for the first time ... in ... well ... ever ... I have a fantastic internet connection! I've always struggled to get what I pay for when it comes to the internet. I either get stuck with bad service, bad lines, or limited options ... sometimes the service is good enough, but not what it should be. Most people probably don't even know what they are actually getting versus what they are actually paying as it requires testing .... but now, I have locked in a 4 year low price for 300Mbps internet service ... and you know what? It actually is that fast ... consistently ... days, time of the day, it's just been really good!

Amazing huh? OK ... well, not exactly deserving of a major life accomplishment, but I'm happy.

Well, recently we had a small bump in the road with service after a storm, and through some checking, testing, and ultimately finding out I have a bad port on my modem, I'm back in business at blazing fast speeds ... but I also found out through this brief downtime what else is blazing fast ...

... my wandering mind, heart, and thoughts with distractions.

I'm laying in bed, just trying to read Scripture, and all I could think about was this stupid internet issue.

Is it because I don't have faith in God? Am I a horrible Christian? Do I even believe? Why do I choose thoughts of the internet over thoughts of my Savior?

Here's a simple one ... I know and fully believe that I need to change my healthy living and eating practices and know without a shadow of a doubt that I must change - but I'm still in a period of making stupid choices many days.

I need to choose well ... I need to think well ...

'Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ' - Philippians 4:8

'We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, ' - 2 Corinthians 10:5
I love everyday reminders ... and maybe each time I reflect on things like my 'blazing fast' internet speed, it can also be a reminder how 'blazing fast' my mind and heart can wander ...

... yet His never does!


Prayer Requests: As described above, just prayers to use His strength (He already has given me) to think well ... and thus be well. Also, several friends (from children to moms) are having some personal and/or medical struggles - just lift them up with me ... He knows the details and that's what matters.

Praise: My youngest is getting ready to celebrate her 7th birthday ... she is such a blessing and strives after God - I'm just thankful for the He continues to give me with her.


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