Faith Looks Back to Move Forward
In Mark 8:14-21, the disciples are concerned about their lack of bread, but Jesus redirects their focus to what He has already done. He asks, “When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?” and similarly for the four thousand. His point is clear: His past faithfulness in providing for them should assure them of His continued faithfulness. I see Christ doing this often—pointing back to His Word, His promises, and His works. When we worry about the present or future, He asks us to recall the past. What has He already done? How has He provided? How has He fulfilled His promises? His faithfulness before assures us of His faithfulness now and in the future. My anxiety about the unknown is often a failure to remember that I have already seen His goodness and care. Why do I doubt when His track record is perfect? His, Matthew