Busy and Blind

Yesterday I was reading the story of Abraham in Genesis 15, where God initiates a covenant with him, promising descendants as numerous as the stars and land for his inheritance. What struck me most was Abraham's position in this encounter—he wasn't even expecting or asking for all these promises.

In the busyness of life, it's easy to become consumed by our own desires and plans, much like how I often find myself distracted by what I want, unable to see the greater work that God is doing in my life. Afterwards, as Abraham stood in awe of God's gracious promises, I am reminded of how little I take time to reflect on God's presence and His sovereign control over all things - and His most precious promise of all, His Son.

Like Abraham, may I learn to trust in God's timing and provision, even when His plans are different from my own. In surrendering my desires and aligning my will with His, I can 'see by believing' the richness of His blessings and the fulfillment of His promises in my life; namely and chiefly through Christ, my Lord and Savior - without Whom nothing else would matter.


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