Words to Live By

I was recently led to listen to a talk from Life Church by Craig Groeschel, Words to Live By

Romans 12:1-2 has been a mantra of mine now for over a decade. It has shaped me as I continue to go back to these simple yet profound words. Specifically the 2nd verse speaks about renewing our mind ... as what we think, indeed drives how we live, who we are, and Whose we are.

'Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ' - Romans 12:2

Craig in his talk opened up about a particular spiritual discipline he has followed now for over a year. We all have ours (well, we should) and they are likely similar (daily time in His Word, prayer, journaling, etc.). However he offered, challenged, and encouraged us to try to include one of his disciplines into our lives ...

          ... Words to Live By.

We are bombarded with lies from the enemy each day ... thoughts enter our minds such as:

              Burned Out

... the list can go on and on ...

However imagine washing ourselves with the Truth of God we read in Scriptures. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, and yet we settle with believing a lie, being deceived by the enemy, and sitting in our stronghold of ________ (you fill in the word(s) from above).

So he created words to live by in a way to combat the lies of the enemy. Daily he reads these - aloud -  even if at first it seems silly, and may even feel like a lie (oh how we have believed lies for so long).

If you constantly tell yourself that you're a failure, you'll likely live your life as one.
If you constantly tell yourself that you are anxious, you'll likely live anxiously.
If you constantly tell yourself that you are overwhelmed, you'll likely feel like it all the time.

This is not [just] positive thinking. I've tried that ...
   words apart from the power of God are empty and powerless.

So he shared his - in vulnerability and openness ... and now I will share mine. I imagine sitting with God as I repeat these words. After I'm done saying them, He smiles at me as if to respond "that's what you need to combat these lies with Matthew, now say them again."

So I will ... daily ...

These will shape me, renew my mind, and reflect me more each day.

These are my words to live by ...

Because of Christ, I’m not anxious about anything.
I cast my cares on God because He cares for me.
I have the peace of God dwelling in my heart and ruling my mind.
In quiet times and in isolation, it is God's voice that accompanies me.
I honor my body God gave me by eating to live, not living to eat.
I honor God by being a good steward of His finances He entrusted to me.
I am faithful to the wife God gave me; every day, and in every way.
My words build up my children, they do not exasperate them.
I lead my home under the banner of Christ and in fear of my Lord.
I stand in the gap and pray for my wife and children, every day.
I am an encourager.
   to my wife, my children, and those around me.
I listen before I speak, and do not lean not on my own understanding.
I am a man after God's own heart.
I am saved for eternity because of Whose I am, not who I am.
I am a son of the One True and Living God.
Christ is Lord in every aspect of my life.
Christ knows me. I know Christ.
I am a Christian.


If you have not, I encourage you to watch Craig's entire talk on this topic. It has blessed me, and I'm sure it will bless you. Message below:


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