Slow Down

I'm sure we've all be there ...

Called out at work, home, school, church group, or with a friend ... someone basically says "you're wrong" (and you know it deep inside) ... how do we respond?





David was certainly there, and more than once! At one time Nathan (the prophet) told him a story about a sinful and prideful individual, taking advantage of those under his control and their property. At the end of the story, Nathan simply asked what should be done ...

'David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.” Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!' - 2 Samuel 12:5-7a

First of all this was beyond bold - right then and there, approaching a king with such a tone and accusation would likely end up with you missing your head. David had an adulterous affair that turned into essentially murder ... Yet admits all this darkness, there was something amazingly bold about Samuel, and something amazingly humble with David ...

'Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord .” - 2 Samuel 12:13a

Immediately David is confronted with his own sin. As King, he pretty much could do what he wanted, but he knew this wasn't right ... in fact multiple times David agonizes over his sin against God, and speaks often about his weeping and mourning ...

If we as Christians are never rebuked by another Christian, we either don't have enough relationships, aren't being open and honest with those that we do, or we are surrounding ourself with those that miss the point of Grace and wrap their arms around us rather than loving lead us to the cross - His Grace is meant to lead us to repent, not to continue in our sin.

Leaving pride behind is such a struggle for me - so what do I do?

Remember those W.W.J.D. bracelets back in the day? A reminder for us to think "What would Jesus do?" before we did whatever.  However, that can be a bit tough as Jesus wouldn't even be in the terrible situations I put myself into sometimes! However for me, there are two words that need to become a part of my life much more than they are right now ...


Before I respond, before I start rehearsing conversations in the shower, before I start thinking of step 38 when I'm on 3, heck, before I sit down at the dinner table and eat so fast!

It sure is a lot harder to hear God when I'm going (or my mind is going) 100mph ...

So when I feel that poke from the Holy Spirit, or from another Christian, or my wife, or someone at work ... slow down ... just enough to let the Holy Spirit lead, and not my own tongue (or thoughts) ... those are never fruitful ... and maybe if Islow down when put in a position (hopefully not as drastic as David's!) I can too respond: "I have sinned against God" ...


Prayer request: So many of my struggles are due to me going too fast. There are times I'm so tense about a situation I find myself holding my breath until I let out a deep sigh! There are times I hear the Holy Spirit trying to hold back words but I am just running so fast that they leave my mouth ... I'm craving that peace that transcends all understanding ... and you know what? I already have it ... I just need to reach out and accept it whenever I need. So prayers for ... yeah ... all of that ... 

Praise: Just really been thankful lately for a lot of things ... family, job, church, growing friend relationships, ability to take vacation time ... just really being thankful for that lately.


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