Looking through His lens

I recently had a friend of mine bring up something to share with me about my leadership skills that I could work on. While there was a quick moment of the flesh trying to get defensive, I quickly realized how all of this is done out of love. You see, my friend, a dear brother, truly is seeking to build me up. This issue that was highlighted was in no way discussed with any other purpose than to strengthen me, my walk, and my skills and abilities as a leader. We are supposed to sharpen each other, but not in accountability through judgement, but rather accountability through love. I am so thankful that Christ has brought individuals like this into my life; what a blessing.

I was reminded of this today when I read this passage:
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:10 ESV)
It reminded me of how I should respond when I am sharpened; after all, you can't truly sharpen a blade without some friction, force, and sometimes even some serious heat. Grief is what happened when I was in that moment; I was grieved when I heard something critical about me. I could either choose to respond in a worldly way (get defensive and shut down) or respond in a godly way (change with eagerness). I walked away from that conversation not feeling deathly, but alive and ready to try and work on those areas the next chance I got.

I did, and it felt awesome to see how much more it blessed not only me, but others around me!

A few days later, I didn't do so well! However I recognize it, and while it's easy to let the enemy get in and make me condemn myself, it's a process. I am going to be a better leader because He is helping me do that and He is using people like my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm not defeated, I'm energized! May I continue to be grieved; but yet in a godly way, not in a worldly way letting the enemy get a foothold and destroy my growth.

Energized and Changing for Him! Not because I have to, but because I want to!

Looking at my growth through His lens, not the worlds'


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