Our Feet Get Dirty

My wife and I were conversing this morning over a passage in John 13 when Jesus washed the disciples' feet. Many conversations have I heard on servitude and humility around this passage. So much is to be seen and learned from this passage. However I was reminded of another Truth when Jesus looked at Simon Peter and said:
“The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean ...” (John 13:10 ESV)
Jesus wasn't having a teachable moment on obvious sanitary practices, but He was and is always teaching for those who have ears to hear. Jesus was not simply informing him ... He was reminding him that he was already transformed.

We stand righteous and blameless before the Creator of the universe; not by our doing, but only through the Blood of Jesus Christ are we made clean.

However ... our feet get dirty.

  • Moments of Anger and Rage
  • Judgmental Words or Thoughts
  • Sexual Sins of so Many Types
  • Greed, Want, and Selfishness
  • Lying, Lust, and Envy
  • Theft, Gossip, Gluttony
  • Apathy ...
The list goes on ... so ... much ... dirt ...

We walk in a world that is no longer our own. We have fled from our father the devil into our Heavenly father's arms, yet we still tread on this earth corrupted by evil. So much of His glory and beauty surrounds us each day, yet it is tainted by sin. So much joy, peace, and a life full of blessing, while at the same time the battle goes on for our souls. 

This gift of life should bring a smile to our face ... but our feet ... get dirty.

This is why salvation comes, and sanctification continues. This is why we come to the cross on our knees, but need to keep finding them daily. We wash in the waters of baptism from death to life, but we walk on the dust of this earth as soon as we rise.

Our feet ... get dirty.

I am simply reminded to come to Him daily and have Him wash my feet. He's already made me clean, may I never doubt that and my salvation. Yet may I never forget how dirty my feet can get walking in this world ... 

Pull up a chair, give Him your feet, and may he prepare you for yet another day in His service.



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