he can't get no, satisfaction ...

Every once in a while I keep getting called back to read the book of Joel again for one reason or another. Tonight as I read through the first chapter I was struck by a particular verse describing the destruction that a devastating swarm of locusts caused to that regions' wine and grain crops.

"What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten." (Joel 1:4 ESV) 

Joel likely isn't describing different types of locusts here, but rather trying to relay the message of total destruction; there is simply nothing left.

The imagery here takes me to a place where I think about my enemies, or even Satan himself. He is not merely concerned about getting us off track, or giving us a few bumps along the way, or even showing us some pain during our journey. He will only be satisfied with total destruction.

It comes to mind that as much as we know the end of the story, he must as well. He knows he will lose the war and be defeated, yet he will be dragging down as many as he can along the way. He doesn't want to give us a few scrapes as we prepare to celebrate eternity with the Father, he wants us keeping him company in the lake of fire.

Lord, may that always be a sobering reminder of the fact that while you have wonderful and amazing plans for me, that my enemy has plans for me as well.

Yours, with bruises and scrapes, but yours,


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