Missing an Opportunity of Temple Proportions

Sometimes the most simple words are the most powerful aren't they? These Pharisees and Sadducees who tried to uphold the Law by using any method but love, worship their temple practices with extraordinary religion. Then comes a Man, speaking of Himself, and says:
I tell you, something greater than the temple is here. (Matthew 12:6 ESV)
Without tangenting too much, I know that while structure and order was indeed enforced in the OT, we still need to know what mercy, not sacrifice means as well in the OT (Hosea 6:6). However these church leaders were so blinded by their own selves, that they missed the greatest opportunity of their lives.

And that, is what I get from this verse. I don't want to miss a calling from Christ because I'm so wrapped up in my view of how things are, or what I think they should be. I don't want my temple in my life taking priority and making me miss a calling for something that is far greater. I feel Him calling me to greater things, and I don't want my tunnel vision to become so focused, even if I think I'm doing it for Christ, that I miss His next step He wants me to take.
Father, you know what is best for me. Continue to grant me the courage and strength I need to loosen my grip and control on my own agenda. I need to learn to trust You more than I trust myself. I need to learn to trust Your judgment, more than my natural reactions. Simply, I need you. Break me, mold me, fix me ... daily.
Something greater than the temple came indeed ...


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